Tuesday, August 7, 2007


New post in production currently, but meanwhile I have to give a shameless plug to a couple of people I think are probably two of the smartest comedians out there right now. And no, I'm not talking about Dane Cook.

Patton Oswalt and Lewis Black.

Below I have provided Amazon links to a couple of their CDs and DVDs


I also added a DVD by David Spade and a double disc by Henry Rollins. I don't recommend these as strongly as the selections by Oswalt and Black but Spade shows that he is most likely criminally under-rated as a stand-up comic and Rollins is just an all around great story teller with a great, albeit dark, sense of humor.

By the way this link isn't set up so that if you buy this stuff and I get cash, that's what the ads on the side of the page are for (HINT HINT). I just assume that if you find my blog entertaining you probably have at least a similar sense of humor to myself and I wanted to share a couple of performances I thoroughly enjoyed that you probably haven't heard about.



1 comment:

t said...

lewis black is um genius